Ever come across this after reading a post:
The comments to this entry are closed.
Building a community around your blog requires two-way communication! When I disable the ability for you to communicate with me I'm effectively saying:
your opinion doesn't matter!
You have a thought you want to communicate to me that will contribute to the conversation (enhance it and make it better), and I'm effectively shutting you up.
How do you think that goes over for your readers? Especially when what you're trying to say is "Read me! I'm interesting."
You are right. I do have a blog that's just for passing stuff along, I really didn't want feedback or to talk about the post...their opinion didn't matter....I did open the comments up, but I think I may close them. Of course I would never do that on a blog I write to on a regular basis, that's just rude, unless there really is nothing to talk about...like a giveaway or contest. You'll get comments like "great contest" "cool idea"
Posted by: Natural | August 17, 2008 at 05:21 AM
Never have disabled comments for a post, but I've considered it.
Mainly because 99% of my comment spam goes to one post, for some reason unknown to me. It's an older post, and nobody comments on it, other than spammers. My spam-blocking system takes care of a lot of it, and gets smarter over time, but nonetheless.
I suppose that's a little off topic. Anyhow, I do most of my reading in a RSS reader, and I only go to your site (aka give you advertising impressions/clicks) if I'm going to leave a comment. If there's a site that I know has disabled comments, I will never go there.
Posted by: Will | August 17, 2008 at 06:19 AM
I won't add a blog to my reader if they don't allow comments.
Another kind I avoid is those blogs that require registration in order to comment. If I have to register, I won't comment and that feed will not go in my reader.
Posted by: Mike Goad | August 17, 2008 at 07:04 AM
Comments are an affirmation to me that people are engaged in the content I'm writing. Without them, I swear I hear crickets chirping - regardless of what Google Analytics says.
Thanks for your recent comment!
Posted by: Linsey Planeta | August 17, 2008 at 07:39 AM
@Natural: Re: "I would never do that on a blog I write to on a regular basis, that's just rude..."
It is rude. Remember what I said before? Comments (responding to them) are the biggest compliment & 'Thank You' that you can give any reader of yours who was kinda enough to say anything to begin with.
@Will: if a site has disabled comments I'm biased to visit there a lot less, if that! One of the only people that has disabled comments and whom I visit regularly is Seth Godin.
@Mike Goad: hiya! You know, I've yet to come across a blog that is so compelling that I go through the motions and register so that I can leave a comment. Registering for comments is pretty close to disabling comments. Unless you're offering something that I absolutely need or need to be a part of, I'm going to be biased to visit there a lot less if you're making jump through the hoops.
@Linsey: I hear ya on that! They're a positive affirmation that what you're doing is actually having an impact. Someone out there is reading...and a lot of times, that's what keeps us going! :-P No crickets, no silence...someone is reading.
Posted by: Ricardo Bueno | August 17, 2008 at 11:41 AM
Receiving comments is a blogging reward I accept graciously.
Posted by: Davina | August 17, 2008 at 09:07 PM
@Davina: I'm in total agreement with you! :-P
Posted by: Ricardo Bueno | August 17, 2008 at 09:21 PM
Hi Ricardo,
The only blog I read that has closed comments is Steve Pavlinas. He did open a forum for discussions and that seems to work for him.
Posted by: Barbara Swafford | August 17, 2008 at 11:53 PM
@Barbara: Ha! The only blog I read that has closed comments is Seth Godin's. I've yet to find a blog that has a separate "registration only" forum that is compelling enough for me to join...
Posted by: Ricardo Bueno | August 18, 2008 at 12:22 AM
I used to start and stop projects all the time. But I realize it's because I was just trying to fill voids in my life, rather than truly believing in the project itself. Now I take the time to figure out if I really want to start something in the first place. That way, the ones I do take on, I know I am committed to.
Posted by: Urban Panther | August 18, 2008 at 04:49 PM
@Urban Panther: I know what you're describing. Finding things to take up time for the sake of taking up time rather than enjoying or having the desire to do a task... We've all been there; myself included. The good thing is that you're now conscious of that fact! :-P And the things that you do take on, now have a greater significance and are completed with more flare.
Posted by: Ricardo Bueno | August 20, 2008 at 12:28 AM
I cant with Closed Comments. I have closed comments on OLD archived posts to prevent spam...but I think people with closed comments are just arrogant.
Posted by: meleah rebeccah | August 21, 2008 at 10:27 AM
@Meleah: So if I wrote a post tomorrow and closed the comments on it, would you think I'm arrogant? :-) Lol...
Posted by: Ricardo Bueno | August 21, 2008 at 04:06 PM