If you had a chance to listen to Gary Vaynerchuk speak at the 2008 Blogworld Expo., you're lucky. If you didn't, don't fret, you can watch his Web 2.0 keynote here (it's not Blogworld, but it's great); heck, it's awesome! Talk about getting a burst of motivation...
Gary says:
“If you’re pumping out good shit, people will follow. But if you for a second – for a 1/2 second – don’t believe in what you are doing … you need to get out, now.” -- Gary Vaynerchuk
I met a lot of fellow bloggers and social media types at the 2008 Blogworld Expo. And when you're in a room with that many people, you really do notice differences in character/behavior; overall how they conduct themselves.
People with Passion on One Side:
Take Ellen Marden for example. She's the Sales Director at ZoomAlbum. When we spoke, we barely talked about her product. Instead, we talked about other things. But her passion and voice was radiating with such energy and it was so captivating that I couldn't help but stand there and want to get to know her more.
The Conference Schmoozer on the Other:
Then you had the other guy. The conference schmoozer who interrupted our conversation to pitch us his/her product and ran off to pitch the next guy/gal before even getting our name. I don't know this person or their business, but I can tell ya, I don't like it already!
You see, during the conference, Chris Brogan said:
"Businesses are made up of people."
And it's true! So completely, and utterly true! I'm going to want to do business with Ellen more so than the other guy because I got to meet the person behind ZoomAlbum (her passion was contagious and it got my attention before even talking about ZoomAlbum).
What's my point with all of this? Well it's that Gary Vaynerchuk is right! "If you're pumping out good sh*t, people will follow." Why? How? Because passion truly is contagious. If you speak with passion, work with passion, do everything that you do with passion, it's going to show, it's going to radiate and it's going to capture some attention. If you're not passionate about what you do, you need to do something about it to change that behavior. It'll be good for your own self-confidence and good for your business too! (Your blog readers will notice a difference as well).
So...who are you? What do you do? Are you passionate about it? If not, what's stopping you?